Prayer Times in Dubai

Prayer Times Khor Fakkan 2025 - (مواقيت الصلاة خورفكان)

Getting current and accurate prayer time (أوقات الصلاة) of Fajr Prayer (صلاة الفجر), Dhuhr Prayer (صلاة الظهر), Asr Prayer  (صلاة العصر), Maghrib Prayer (صلاة المغرب), Isha Prayer (صلاة العشاء) for your current location or was never this easy. Check prayer times Khor Fakkan (مواقيت الصلاة خورفكان) Town in the UAE conveniently while on the go with the Dubai Prayer Times Website.

If you want to know the Muslim prayer times in your town like prayer times Khor Fakkan (مواقيت الصلاة خورفكان), you can select it from the list below or you can specify the exact coordinates (Latitude and Longitude) of your current location. Also in the settings, you can choose any month (January (كانون الثاني), February (شباط), March ( آذار), April (نيسان), May (أيار), June (حزيران), July (تموز), August (آب), September (أيلول), October (تشرين الأول), November (تشرين الثاني), December (كانون الأول)), daylight saving, time zone and the appropriate method of calculating prayer timings.

Islamic Prayer Rakats Table

Prayer Rakat Total
Fajr 2 Sunnah + 2 Fard 4
Zuhr 4 Sunnah + 4 Fard + 2 Sunnah + 2 Nafl 12
Asr 4 Sunnah + 4 Fard 8
Maghrib 3 Fard + 2 Sunnah + 2 Nafl 7
Isha 4 Sunnah + 4 Fard + 2 Sunnah + 2 Nafl +3 Witr + 2 Nafl 17
Jummah 4 Sunnah + 2 Fard + 4 Sunnah + 2 Sunnah + 2 Nfl 14
  1. Fajr Prayer (صلاة الفجر): Before sunrise according to Khor Fakkan prayer times.
  2. Dhuhur Prayer (صلاة الظهر): In the afternoon.
  3. Asr Prayer (صلاة العصر): Following Dhuhur, in the evening.
  4. Maghrib Prayer (صلاة المغرب): Before sunset, according to Islamic prayer times Dubai.
  5. Isha Prayer (صلاة العشاء): After sunset, at night.

prayer times khor fakkan

Khor Fakkan Prayer Times Calculation

Standard Time Zone: UTC+04:00 hours
Country: United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Town: Khor Fakkan
Geographic Coordinates Of Khor Fakkan Town, UAE
Latitude: 25.3366° N
Longitude: 56.3433° E

Prayer Times Khor Fakkan - مواقيت الصلاة خورفكان

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Time Format:

Note: For safety add 5 minutes after start time & subtract 5 minutes from ending time for Suhoor (سحور‎) and all prayer times; add only 2 minutes after start time for Maghrib (صلاة المغرب) & Iftar (إفطار‎).

Asr Methods

Standard: Shafii, Maliki, Jafari, and Hanbali (shadow factor = 1)

Hanafi: Hanafi school of thought (shadow factor = 2)

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